Election equal opportunities officers 2018

Election as centralised and decentralised gender equality officer

Would you like to work in your faculty, administrative area or field of activity ...

  • creatively implement equal opportunities at the OVGU with other committed individuals?
  • Active co-determination?
  • Better understand and influence committees and decision-making processes within the university?
  • Gain experience in university self-administration?
  • to think outside the box?
  • networking and show solidarity?

If you can only answer one question with "Yes!" , then you have come to the right place: in the OVGU's group of equal opportunities officers.

What do GBAs do? How much work is involved?

Overview of the tasks of Equal Opportunities Officers

Legal foundations:
§ Section 72 paragraph 1 HSG LSA (14.12.2010)
"Equal Opportunities Officer" in the Higher Education Act of the State of Saxony-Anhalt


(1) The equality officers [...] shall act as

  •  ... the establishment of equal opportunities for women and men, and
  •  ... the avoidance of disadvantages for female university members
  •  ... in all matters concerning female university staff, in particular with regard to forthcoming personnel measures.
  •  that women are adequately represented in the organs and committees of the university.
  •  They promote the integration of women's issues into the scientific work of universities.

How to choose?

  •  Please contact us if you are interested in the office as Equal Opportunities Officer:
      1. either directly via the GBAs in your area or by
      2. or via the Office for Gender Equality
  •  Let the conversation inspire you to work together.
  •  Fill in the form and submit it to the Rectorate by 15.04.2018.


Let us vote for you and join us in making a gender-sensitive university policy for the next two years!

Last Modification: 27.04.2021 - Contact Person: Webmaster