Financing a study

The idea is to create an online presence of the OVGU with comprehensive information on the topic of "financing studies". The focus will be on BAföG and general calculations of the costs of studying.


Situation analysis

Different prerequisites and conditions represent barriers that must be removed in order to come a little closer to equal opportunities. The visibility of the topic "financing of studies" is given at the OVGU, but it is very superficial and difficult to find.



The goal is to make the topic of financing visible and transparent. Target group are students and potential students.



  • Contents: Thematization of equal opportunities, financing possibilities, listing of the costs of a study program, BAföG, contributions of OVGU and students; generation of content via: Seminar/tutorial, interested students; Establish contact with Bafög office; Develop workshops.
  • Structure: Creation and design by students; publication by OVGU
  • Data maintenance: In cooperation with project managers and OVGU employees
  • Cooperations: Use of the website as a basis for other universities; smorgasbord of offers for more exchange opportunities



This concept was submitted by Jenny Garczorz and Cosima Liebl.

Last Modification: 23.02.2023 - Contact Person: Webmaster