Dr. Andrea Wolffram (2018-2021)

On April 29, 2019, the Marianne Schminder Visiting Professorship was formally named during the inaugural lecture of Visiting Prof. Dr. Andrea Wolffram on the topic "Struck by Gender Lightning - On the Significance of the Social Category Gender in Sociotechnical Dynamics". Prof. Wolffram is the first holder of the Marianne Schminder Visiting Professorship with partial denomination Gender Studies at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, located at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. At the ceremonial naming of the professorship, historian, Dr. Steffi Kaltenborn, gave a short lecture on the life and work of Marianne Schminder, Professor of Non-Metallic Materials in Engineering at Magdeburg University of Technology (from 1961).


On December 1, 2018, the visiting professorship with partial gender denomination was filled for the first time at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg with the sociologist, Visiting Prof. Dr. Andrea Wolffram.

Guest Prof. Dr. Andrea Wolffram studied at the Universities of Regensburg and Hannover and received her doctorate from the TU Braunschweig in 2002. From 2003 to 2008 she was a postdoctoral researcher at the TU Hamburg-Harburg. Since 2009, she has been conducting research on gender and diversity issues at RWTH Aachen University and has led numerous projects in this area.
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The goal of the visiting professorship is to establish gender research in a variety of contexts at OVGU. For a period of 2 years, the opportunity is offered to develop an own research profile, which is connectable to the research focus of the OVGU and equally includes the category "gender". The exact orientation is deliberately kept open, so that cultural and social science research with a gender perspective can be addressed as well as the inclusion of gender aspects in research projects in the STEM subjects or medicine.

Subject-specific gender-related knowledge should be generated and made visible. The aim is to contribute to a stronger structural establishment of aspects of gender research at the OVGU and to ensure a greater diversity of research perspectives.

The professorship is awarded by the university for a period of 2 years. In particularly justified cases, the appointment is also possible for only one year. The connection of the professorship takes place at the OVGU according to the subject specifics.

The Otto von Guericke University understands the visiting professorship as a career step towards a lifetime professorship. On this path, the scientists are to be accompanied with individually designed development offers.

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