Campus vacations

The OVGU Family Office organizes an opportunity for the summer vacations every year. The campus vacations always take place during the first two weeks of the summer holidays on campus. The offer is aimed at children of students and employees aged 6-12 years. All information can be found on these pages beginning in the spring.

The results of the survey of needs for vacation care at OVGU are in. Many thanks to all those who took the time to answer the questions. A dataillustrated breakdown of the number of completed questionnaires and participating status groups, can be found in the chart below.

The vast majority of respondents would like to see vacation care available during the summer for children ages 6-12. An overview of the answers to the question about the desired care times and lunch provision can be found here. 

Approximately 20 children are to be cared for daily from 8am-5pm. Information about the specific program, also the registration modalities and costs will be provided on this page in the coming weeks. Many participants in the survey indicated that they would like to pay a maximum of 80€ per week. The graphic answering the cost question can be found here.


The first ideas for the program also came from the survey of needs. You can read about which activities participants would most like to see here .

We want to try to offer as many activities on campus as possible. We want to go to lab, experiment with the kids, discuss, program, play sports and much more. In order to fill all these program points with life, the Family Office is looking for active support. Who has concrete ideas for our program? Who can offer something for the 6-12 year olds themselves or knows colleagues who could? Please just send an email or call the family office 0391/ 67-52963.

Last Modification: 17.01.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster