Equality issues in third-party funding

In the last two years, gender and diversity issues have become increasingly important when applying for external funding. This specifically concerns the areas of gender and diversity dimensions in research as well as the area of equal opportunities in research teams. Equal opportunity conditions at the university play a role in the evaluation of research proposals in addition to the scientific value of the project. With the service of gender consulting, the Office for Gender Equality of the OVGU supports scientists and scholars in advising them on applications, be it for individual or joint projects, but also in the implementation of equal opportunity measures.


Horizon Europe

With the new funding phase of the European Commission, especially in the Horizon Europe program, gender equality plays a role in three areas.

  1. the research institution of the applicant must have a gender equality concept that meets the minimum standards of the EU.
  2. the relevance of the gender dimension of the research project must be demonstrated and
  3. equal opportunities in the research team must be guaranteed.

The first criterion is a basic prerequisite for participation in the program, the second is an important decision criterion1 when assessing the excellence of research projects, and the third criterion can be used to make a decision in the case of equivalent research projects.



When applying for research projects at the DFG, the gender and diversity dimension in research, the gender composition of the research teams, but also the structures of equal opportunity measures at the university also play a role in the funding decision. This is not only true for collaborative projects (GRKs, SFBs and research groups), but also in the application for individual funding, such as the Sachbeihilfe and applications in the Emmy-Nöther program, the relevance of the gender and diversity dimension in the research project must be included. However, equal opportunity funds can also be applied for in these programs.

Future federal research funding

It is also becoming apparent that gender equality will play a stronger role in the federal government's research funding in the future. In this regard, the federal government's coalition agreement states: "In the future, we want to anchor and enforce gender equality and diversity in all funding programs and institutions."

Für eine optimale Beratung binden interessierte Wissenschaftler*innen den Service des Gender Consultings frühzeitig im Antragsverfahren ein. Kontaktieren Sie hierzu dazu Dr. Melanie Kintz.

1 The OVGU fulfills this criterion.

Last Modification: 14.07.2022 - Contact Person: Webmaster