Magazine well?!/Zeitschrift tja?!

tja_2   The makers of the magazine tja?! set themselves apart from other local media products, as they do not report on current topics, but instead focus on a fixed cultural topic from a student perspective. The aim is to find interfaces between the different areas and to deal with the respective issue topic from a variety of perspectives.

The latest issue "Cultural Identity and Diversity" is available in the Mensa, the University Library, the Office for Gender Equality or the Pastel Blumencafe. Soon, the current issue will also appear online. The first issue of the magazine is already available here.


How did the idea of your project come about?

Our project came together through our Cultural Engineering course. We have a project module there and just wanted to start our own project because there was no existing one in our area of interest. Then we thought about what was missing at OVGU and agreed that a newspaper for students was missing. And that's how it started and we thought about topics.


What distinguishes a diverse university for you?

It is simply a university where minorities also feel comfortable, where the special needs of minorities are taken seriously, where they are asked about and then implemented together. It is characterized by the fact that it is not always based on the majority, who may not be so concerned about these issues.


What can your project contribute to this?

The magazine itself is meant to stimulate reflection on various topics and to be a basis for discussion, to get people talking to each other. Making this magazine is incredible for us. As a result, we have to deal with topics very intensively and discuss and talk about them a lot with each other within our editorial team. The main thing for us is to educate ourselves a bit and then, of course, to distribute the magazine

Last Modification: 23.02.2023 - Contact Person: Webmaster